March 12, 2024

How to fix White Screen in WordPress?

How to fix White Screen in WordPress?

A Guide on How to Fix the White Screen of Death (WSOD) in WordPress



The White Screen of Death (WSOD) in WordPress can be a disconcerting experience for website owners and developers alike. When your site displays a blank screen instead of the expected content, panic can set in. However, fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the common causes of WSOD and provide step-by-step solutions to help you revive your WordPress website.

Understanding the White Screen of Death:

Begin by explaining what the White Screen of Death is and its implications. Discuss how it indicates a critical error, often related to a PHP issue, theme or plugin conflict, or insufficient server resources.

Check for Plugin Conflicts: 

Walk through the process of deactivating all plugins and gradually reactivating them one by one. Emphasize the significance of identifying the specific plugin causing the conflict and seeking updates or alternatives.

Switch to a Default WordPress Theme: 

Instruct users to switch to a default WordPress theme (e.g., Twenty Twenty-One) to rule out any theme-related issues. Highlight the importance of having a backup theme for this purpose.

Increase PHP Memory Limit: 

Explain the role of PHP memory in WordPress and guide users on how to increase the memory limit by editing the wp-config.php file or contacting their hosting provider for assistance.

Check for Syntax Errors in wp-config.php and functions.php: 

Walk through the process of reviewing the wp-config.php and functions.php files for any syntax errors. Encourage users to correct any mistakes carefully.

Enable Debugging to Identify Errors: 

Guide users on enabling the WordPress debugging feature to identify specific errors causing WSOD. Explain how the error logs can provide valuable insights into the root cause of the issue.

Reinstall Core WordPress Files:

Instruct users on how to reinstall core WordPress files by downloading a fresh copy from Emphasize the importance of not overwriting the wp-content folder to preserve themes, plugins, and media files.

Consult with Hosting Support: 

Encourage users to reach out to their hosting provider’s support team for assistance. Hosting-related issues, server misconfigurations, or resource limitations may require their expertise to resolve.